Me too....
Well...Its been quite some time now since i decided that i too should join the ever growing community of bloggers and write same crap nobody is interested in or nobody cares about.. Well, if Ullas can, so can I...,right? hell, yeah...
I thought the major problem about blogging is know, what should i write? WRONG.... It turns out writing/typing is not as hard as selecting a domain name for the blog... Naturally i wanted my blog to sound smart, you know, thats the trend... We already have 6 billion+ people and its only natural that we become selective and select only the "smart" guys... Alas, all smart captions and all smart punch lines I could think of was already taken... Between, I considered using "anevenmorebeautifulmind" to snub ullas but then decided against it... Mainly because I hate advertisement, unlike "other" "snake-loving" people (I can't help it mate, Sorry..Last one at you, i promise)... Then i thought maybe I should use my name... TAKEN already.. Now, I hate my name... Seriously, I never thought too much about my name, in fact I have been fighting with my parents for this cruelty they did to me, without even consulting me (obviously..).. Turns out other parents have done the same mistake to their children heart goes out to all sanju's... So, I decided to follow the proper procedure and attach a number to my name... You know, this process makes me real uncomfortable.. I have never did th
at to me.. This is the first time I have put a number after my name... Makes me feel as if I'm coming from a large production chain.. Like the robot in terminator movies... T-1000... SN36.. sounds like a sci-fi movie dude... Even worse is the guys who use only numbers for the sake of identifying themselves... You know, like My advice to all of you is keep away from such fellas.. You know, they could be convicted felons, using their prison id and probably they have had to live with the number for soooo long, that they are using it as their identities now...
So, I decided to go with a number, now the issue is (reminds us of Sudeep Elayidom's class, doesn't it?)...what number to choose.... now this is tough... My b'day... Now, I don't want anyone to know about my age especially when i get older... same reason goes with age... Maybe I should go with the number of our car... Now lets see...My family has 4 cars and 1 bike (like i said, i HATE advertisement...simply, loathe it...)... Now, which car? I'm gonna cut a looooong story short..after giving much thought I decided to go with the my baby Alto's number, its a cutie 36, plus it was available, so luck all the wayyyy.. Now that I think of...maybe, I should I gone with the house number of my new house/villa in Irumpanam, AbadBuilders... (once again, pathetic are those guys who advertise themselves..shame..)..
Ok thats it.... I don't seriously, expect anyone to read this... Even so, I don't expect anyone to reach this far... If someone did, my apologies but this is just my attempt to kill time and also to divert or channelise my net-usage time to something creative... I hope this improves my communication skills (if not, it will spoil your communication skills)... And I'm not sure if I will attempt to write another topic.. If i do, then I will surprise even myself..
Bye guys... Take care... Wipe that tears and heave a sigh a relief, for I'm folding up for the time being...
Beware... I might be back... Live in fear...