The Inevitable.......

The other day, I was just chilling with my friends.. The exams had only just gotten over and we had just gotten together for another of our trips, having loads of fun and chit-chat, when it struck me.. S8! Man, I tell you I know I just finished another semester but S8, already?? It was almost scary, all this fun, all these great times, coming to an end?? I wondered aloud, "Guys, can you believe we are going to be in S8 in a couple of weeks?".. I hear Sunitha's matter-of-fact voice..."Yeah, we should grab the S8 books from library before others take them all!!".. This very unexpected reply stunned me into silence... Boy, I should stop hanging out with geeks!!! Ullas looks at me and goes "who told you it was S8, its only S6!!" and gives me his "what-an-idiot" look... Oh no!!! As always we are facing a bigger problem now.. Realization dawns not only on Ullas but on the rest of the gang.. We give each other a "I am gonna miss you" look.. I just said something that was on everybody's mind but none dared to say it out loud..

On the threshold of S8 and i remeber my first day in college.. I was petrified.. I had no friends except a brand new one of the name Ullas something.. Its not fun when you have like a thousand seniors eyes feasting hungrily on you and when you look around for comfort and safety you only see 60 strange faces that look even more scared than you are.. But, very soon strange faces became familiar faces and some became friendly comforting faces.. It was a struggle, man.. You walk atleast 2km to campus to find out we are having something called strike, which just means holiday but also means you now have an extra 2km hike back to the bus stop as there will be no college bus.. I tell you, I would have given anything that would have me, not walk that long in the sun..

I am sure when I go to the campus for the first class in S8, I will be terrified.. I have a bunch of friends I am certain are going different ways in 3-4 months time.. This is a place where I am somebody and there has always been somebody for me.. I have grown to trust this place so much, that I had begun to take this place for granted.. I was arrogant enough to believe this would have lasted forever.. I still want to believe this is not the end of this journey.. In the bleak grey shirt I used to hate, I now do not see a uniform, I see an identity of who I am and how it changed me and my life over the course of 4 years.. I tell you, I would give anthing to walk down that road from Siberia to Kalamaserry, without a care in the world, making fun of each other, feeling that sense of security only the best of friends can give..

Our university did not have the best of teachers nor did we apply ourselves to the process of mugging-up-of-syllabus, but this 4 years managed to teach me a lot more than what I pay fees for.. I learnt the beauty of friendship, healthiness of freedom, sweetness of sincerity and more importantly how to find joy in life.. We came to this college as children, we are walking out as men..

I never thought all the meaningless chats, fights, gossips, everything will mean so much to me.. Those will be the moments I will miss the most.. This has been a great adventure.. This has been so pure it is unbelievable.. It has been like a great magic show.. And like a kid on his first magic show, I am amazed, I am enthralled, I am overjoyed and I want more.. And deep down I know the magician has saved the best for the last and as he prepares for the final show, I am holding my breath.. Soon it will be all over, then, then all that is left for me to do, is applaud... I loved the show.. Thanks a million, everyone..


ullas said…
seriously nice da....the last sem..the last time we hangout in college,the last time we cut class..
this sem is going to be a sem of 'last's and yes,it hurts
nish said…
da-- ***AWESOME***.. really... nvr knew tht yu cud write soo welll....'n write wid all d heart...was really moved!!!
San said…
thanks a lot... it means a lot.. :-)
sanoop said…
nice blog man ,loved reading it

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